Saturday, February 2, 2019

Is it all Odysseus’ fault?

In class over the last couple of days, the question of fault has come up a lot. Particularly, we have discussed to what extent Odysseus is at fault for the events described in books 9-12, a rather complicated question to answer.

Throughout books 9-12, there are many situations where Odysseus is very obviously at fault for the deaths of his men. For example, he is told by Circe in book 12 that six of his men will be killed if he goes by Scylla. Odysseus does not tell his crew that some of them are fated to die, so they sail unknowingly in while Odysseus prepares himself to fight if necessary. The backstory to this is, of course, that if they had not gone past Scylla they would have passed Charybdis and all of them would have died, but it does seem like Odysseus shares a portion of the blame for this set of deaths, whether or not his crew is aware of it. There’s no telling what they would have done, had Odysseus told his crew that six of them would die, but he is not blameless in this situation.

Even more blame can be applied to him in the death of six more of his men earlier in book 9. Even though they have plenty of food on board their ships, supplied to them by the nymphs, Odysseus gathers twelve men to accompany him into Polyphemus’ cave. Even after failing to find Polyphemus, Odysseus, hoping “to see him, and find out if he would give us gifts” refuses to leave the cave, rejecting his companions’ idea to “grab some cheese and quickly drive the kids and lambs out of their pens and down to our swift ships, and sail away across the salty water,” an idea which he even tells Alcinous “would have been the better choice” (9. 223-229). As a result, when Polyphemus returns to his cave, he traps them within and, over the course of the next day, gobbles down six of the men who accompanied Odysseus. Though they do manage to escape Polyphemus in the end, the fault seems to clearly lie with Odysseus and these events also set question to the heroicness of Odysseus’ motives, seeming to be an abuse of xenia similar to that of the suitors in Ithaca.

Poseidon’s cursing of Odysseus’ journey home, occurring almost immediately after their escape from the cave, is also something for which Odysseus should take full blame. Though a case can be made that perhaps the first taunting is semi-justified, there is no reason, other than pride, for the second taunting. Even after his crew begs him to stop, Odysseus can’t help but taunt Polyphemus again, revealing his name (as well as his father’s name and that he lives in Ithaca, facts which seem rather unnecessary). Because of this taunt, Polyphemus recognizes Odysseus for the man fated to blind him and successfully prays for Poseidon to curse Odysseus’ journey home. It is easy to claim that, had Odysseus not taunted Polyphemus, the travelers would have reached home much sooner.

You’re probably thinking, “Lia, it pretty much sounds like Odysseus is totally to blame. . . Where are you going with this?”

Well, here are some situations in which Odysseus either cannot be blamed or is only partially to blame:

After leaving Polyphemus, Odysseus and his crew arrive at the “floating island of Aeolus” who gives Odysseus a bag of wind to blow him and his crew home (10. 1). They are nearly home when Odysseus takes a nap, exhausted by having done all of the steering for “nine days and nights” (10. 28). As he sleeps, his crew, jealous of the supposed gold and silver that Aeolus had given to Odysseus, open the bag of wind, accidentally blowing them in the wrong direction, back toward Aeolus’ palace. When they arrive, Aeolus refuses to help them, stating that it was not right for him to help a man so hated by the gods. This tragedy is one situation where Odysseus is not (at least entirely) to blame. Though he does tell Aeolus to blame his “stubborn urge to sleep,” it does not seem reasonable to do so, as he had been supposedly awake for nine days and nights (10. 68). Unfortunately, after examining the situation, one can make a case for it being partially Odysseus’ fault since his lack of communication with his crew caused their jealousy in the first place. Had he simply told the crew what was in the bag, they would have made it home safely. This, of course, does not absolve his crew of their blame, as they were the ones who acted on their jealousy and inevitably caused the boat to not reach home.

The crew’s final and most damaging mistake occurs two books later in book twelve after leaving Circe. Odysseus, having been warned multiple times urges his crew to avoid the island of the sun god Helios, but his crew, championed by Eurylochus fights back, eventually convinces Odysseus to stay and rest on the island. Though they plan to leave the next morning, Zeus causes a storm to rage for a month, depleting the crew of their supplies and food. Despite Odysseus’ urgings throughout the time against eating Helios’ cattle, when he goes to pray to the gods for assistance getting home Eurylochus convinces the other sailors to eat some of the cattle. Because of the crew’s actions, soon after leaving the island a storm hits, destroying the ship and sweeping all of the crew overboard. Only Odysseus survives. This is the situation where Odysseus is the least at fault, as he repeatedly warned his crew against eating Helios’ cattle. One could even make a case that the gods purposefully intended for this to happen, as it says that the gods “poured sweet sleep upon [his] eyes,” preventing Odysseus from returning and keeping the crew from killing the cattle (12. 338). All fault, in this case, lies in the crew’s hands, particularly Eurylochus who convinced Odysseus to stay there in the first place.

Though I have difficulty coming up with an answer to the question “Is it all Odysseus’ fault?” I will say that it is very interesting how Odysseus interacts with danger and unknown people or places. He does not hesitate to demand gifts from Polyphemus, as well as the various kings he meets along his way, nor to investigate random islands, such as those of the kings and Polyphemus, possibly simply to search for gifts. However, he attempts to avoid Helios’ island, perhaps knowing that they would inevitably fail to not eat his cattle. Together, these events don’t display a very heroic view of Odysseus. Instead of searching for the route which will get his crew home as soon as possible, Odysseus stops at every island, searching for the expected xenia from kings and peasants alike. He even says in his description “[his crew] wept, remembering their dear companions” posing a question as to how much Odysseus values human life, other than his own (12. 310). All I can say is, these past seven books have really emphasized for me Odysseus’ reputation of trickery and slyness and have lacked the heroism one might expect.


  1. I think it is all Odysseus's fault. He isn't the hero we all make him out to be. If he had showed some restraint and not tell Polyphemus his name, then no one would have had to die. He had too much self-pride and literally shot himself in the foot. I think it's so fake in scenes where Odysseus is crying and wanting to go home. He makes it out as if it was the Gods' fault for his suffering and all that. I think it's fair that the Gods are punishing Odysseus. He blinded Polyphemus and now he has to face the consequences. I don't sympathize with him at all.

    1. I think Odysseus genuinely thought he was doing what was right for him and his crew but his ego and recklessness got the best of him, and while thats not totally an excuse it makes sense that he would be impulsive because his tricks worked at troy so why shouldn't they work at sea.

  2. As we've been reading more, I find Odysseus less of a likeable character. He gets a lot of people killed, he doesn't trust many people, lies to the people that can help him, and then brags about how great he is to the people that are left. And then asks them for money. Admittedly, it's hard to keep in mind the cultural context of the Odyssey, so it's possible that all of these things were expected and celebrated qualities of heroes. Still, I can't help but think that Odysseus could have kept the trust of his crew by coming up with some rousing speech so that six of his men would willingly sacrifice themselves to Scylla. He's supposed to be such a good orator after all.

  3. I think, however, that one thing we forget at times is the fact that Odysseus is, in reality a king. Something which does offer him a higher standing but also typically comes with both some sort of entitlement but also standard to offer and be offered xenia. It's also not like he wouldn't stop at land, since it is always necessary to stock up on provisions.

  4. I enjoyed reading this post because you did a great job of walking through every example of whether or not Odysseus was to blame for his crew's deaths. I agree that a lot of it was Odysseus's fault, and even when it wasn't he probably could have prevented it in some way. I also find it interesting to compare this version of Odysseus to the one we heard about in the first four books, where he was constantly praised for being heroic and cunning. Nice post.

  5. One interesting thing you brought up is that when the crew eat the sun cattle, "the gods poured sweet sleep upon [his] eyes," basically facilitating the crews' decision. This brings me back to our discussion in class on Athena (and the gods in general) and their roles in the story. If the gods really did purposefully cause Odysseus to sleep therefore allowing the mutiny, it makes you wonder whose side they're on. While it seems like Athena is an active "ally" of Odysseus, here she could be cast as the audience, purposefully delaying his journey and killing living men to get a better "story". It brings up some of the more troubling aspects of the all powerful characterizations of the gods.
